1:1 Clearing Sessions


Your next level is calling!

My name is Savannah Sommer and I am your Clearing Master & Abundance Maker

My zone of genius is transformation, breakthroughs, creation & Abundance, which I help you create through my own developed Clearing method.

A Clearing is an in-depth, transformative energy upgrade that removes blockages, karma and encodings that sit in your energy field and subconscious, to simplify your ability to manifest your desires ( because yes, it really is that simple ).

For you who want the transformation, development & change


  • Karma from past lives

  • Family lines

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Stagnant emotions

  • Dualism

  • Chakras

  • Mentor codings


  • Your energy bodies

  • Trauma & Fear loops

  • DNA encodings

  • Upper Limits

  • Archetypes

  • Timings

  • Promises, oaths and spells

  • The feeling of stagnation

  • Money blocks

  • Lack of flow & sales in your business

  • The fear of success, ease & freedom

  • Challenges with visibility, expansion, stability or trust

  • Resistance on boundaries, relationships & communication

  • Holding yourself back

  • Hiding your zone of genius and potentials

People book me when they're done with

Firstly, she is ALWAYS spot on and secondly, she knows how to be present, empathize and communicate in a way that makes me always feel seen and heard and left transformed from our sessions. She just has it all. The ability to see clearly, Clear and help one walk the path, so that the changes can actually happen with the least resistance possible

Mia Poulsen, Online Businessmentor

I have used, and use, Savannah for both messages, timings and Clearing

The Clearing Technique

The Clearing technique I will use on you in 1:1 was developed by me in collaboration with Oneness.

I have taken all the best from the educations and courses I have taken over time, and removed everything that was complicated, outdated, and limiting, because: Easy does it - always!

Your options


This Clearing is done remotely, which means that it takes place without dialogue.

I will make the Clearing based on the theme you have sent, and then send you the highlights via an audio file.

300 USD

Not only to unlock my 7 figure business, but also to be able to show up more authentically, both in my business and in my private life.

Majli Noel, Spiritual Businessmentor

Clearing has been one of the most important tools in my life


  • A Clearing™️ is an energetic clearing in your subconscious and your energy mosaics.

    The energy mosaics that vibrate with karma, limitations or blockages are transformed so that you become more of a match for freedom, ease, flow, abundance and love, rather than drama, drudgery and lack.

    Your energy mosaics are your "orders" to the Universe, and are therefore important elements in your creation process.

  • There is nothing you have to do during a Clearing™️ - you receive regardless of what you are doing and where you are at the particular time when the Clearing is made

  • This means that the Clearing takes place without dialogue and without me appearing 'physically' anywhere.

    It is the way I work most powerfully, as it allows me to focus 100% on the energy and essence without the ego interfering.

  • After a Clearing you receive an audio file on e-mail with the essentials from the Clearing. These are the messages Oneness finds it important for you to know about.

  • It is not possible to buy af Clearing on behalf of others. The one who buys the Clearing should be the one who receives the Clearing, because there is so much transformation associated with a Clearing, and we want to make sure that the Clearing is a conscious choice, and that the one receiving the Clearing wants to take the new actions and transformations that comes with the Clearing.